On the morning of November 28, 2022, at the office of HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company, the kick-off session of the BRAVO 8R3 HR SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT officially took place with the attendance of the boards of directors of both HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company and BRAVO Software Joint Stock Company.
On the morning of November 28, 2022, at the office of HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company, the kick-off session of the BRAVO 8R3 HR SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT officially took place with the attendance of the boards of directors of both HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company and BRAVO Software Joint Stock Company.
At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hoan, Business Director and representative of BRAVO's Board of Directors, stated his commitment to fully meeting the project's resources, and provided suggestions and methods for coordination during the project's implementation to ensure the project's success and maximize application efficiency.
On behalf of HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company, Mr. Le Anh Dung, Deputy General Director and Head of the System Investment and Development Department, also talked about objective evaluations of the Bravo 8R3 human resource management software solution and expressed his expectations for the effective adoption of the software application and improvement in human resource management at HLG in the near future.
The meeting took place in a solemn atmosphere, with a spirit of cooperation between the two companies.
This promising beginning is expected to serve as the foundation for a remarkable future partnership between HopLuc Construction Joint Stock Company and BRAVO Software Joint Stock Company.